We will be presenting at the General Luncheon Membership for the
Chatsworth/Porter Ranch Chamber of Commerce
The Chatsworth Hotel formely known as the Radisson Hotel Chatsworth
9777 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Chatsworth, CA
Guests are $30.00 and members are $25.00.
The event description is as below:
The ADA is a complex facet of law stemming from a mixture of Federal and State components. These laws are well intentioned and of legitimate concern for the public and for businesses. Most businesses do not know how to comply or where to start complying, so they are easy targets for a few serial litigants. The minimum settlement in California is $4,000 plus attorneys fees for both sides. Many serial litigants use this complexity to sue businesses for a living. Learn how to defend yourself and what issues are at stake for compliance.
If you would like us to speak at an event to educate your members about the compliance with the ADA, please send us an email at help@accesssolutionllc.com or call us at 866 982-3212 x2
For more information go to: ADA Seminars
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