So, to follow up on the complex ADA regulations and interpretations of service animals…
The New York Post has posted this article going a little overboard on what is or is not a service animal. Nonetheless, it does present an interesting point of view. If business owners were to take this article literally it could get them in trouble with ADA requirements as the scoping is too broad.
For the service goat, assistance monkey and emotional-support iguana, it could be the end of an era. Under new federal rules taking effect Tuesday, the Americans with Disabilities Act will no longer compel shops, restaurants and other businesses to accommodate a menagerie of supposed service animals brought in by the public. Only dogs and some miniature horses will qualify. Moreover, dogs will qualify as service animals only if they’ve been individually trained to assist with a disabled human’s needs.
“The provision of emotional support, well-being, comfort or companionship do not constitute work or tasks for the purposes of this new definition.” And they’ll need to be on-leash unless their work requires otherwise.
Finally. You’d think the Obama administration had, in a fit of common sense, for once chosen to heed a public outcry about zany regulations-gone-mad.
But as usual, the politics are more complicated than that.
Understandably, this is a complex and not well understood area of law. But this, like issues in HR and employee procedures, is something all businesses and institutions should be aware of.
If you want further information on the topic, you can go to these official ADA sites. Or you can look directly at what our services cost.
Have any questions? Call us at 866 982 3212 x2 or email us at
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